One of the most amazing things that happened in this year of amazing things was my best friend moving to York England to take her masters in Saving the World (and I say that without a hint of sarcasm, the people in this program WILL save the world, no doubt about it).
As a result, I got to go see her for a too-quick weekend.
You know how you have those weekends where it feels like you were able to pack 5 days into just 2? This was one of those occasions. Sleeping was not a priority when there were musicals to see, chance encounters with long lost friends to have and vampire movies to watch.
Sunday morning, before heading home we took a nice long stroll through York and admired all it's quaint and adorable winding roads.
The center of town is enclosed by a massive Roman wall. We strolled along it with our coffees and chatted about important things.
So excited to go back.